IBC’s work becomes more useful the more people who know about it. This page explains how you can help to spread the word.


Install an IBC web counter

If you want to keep visitors to your website informed about the latest confirmed toll of civilians killed in the violence of the Iraq war and its aftermath, you can place an IBC Web counter on your web pages.

These new counters are easier to add to your site, and work on blogs and forums. They will automatically update directly from the IBC database as new incidents are added.

Just click on the counter you’d like to add to your site to get the HTML you need.

Provide information about us to your networks, community, and media.

There are many ways in which supporters of our work can inform others. This can range from sending informative emails, to posting comments on blogs and bulletin boards, to contacting press and media in your country or local community about IBC.

The material on this website is freely available for the above and similar not-for-profit purposes. We only ask that you correctly cite the URL of the IBC website (http://www.iraqbodycount.org/) when discussing, drawing from, or linking to our work. For-profit and institutional users should consult our Conditions of Use.